First Click Test

Test user interaction with your designs to understand if the intended user actions are intuitive enough.

First Click Test

Quick, Simple & Efficient Usability Testing

Just 3 steps and you are good to go...

Create a Click test in any project

Will the users clicking on the intended icon/text to do the intended action? Click tests can be done on any wireframes or mockups you have created. 

Configure test and upload designs

Upload your design images which you want to test and set the instructions for your testers who take your test. Instructions can specify the task which is to be done (Eg., Where would you click to "Go to Cart"?)

Publish test and get results

Preview your configured test and if you are satisfied, publish your test and get participants to take your test through numerous inbuilt ways. See the magic of usability testing and settle all design debates using the test data collected.

Join the best in class

Be in the company of users from the leading & pioneer design led organisations of the world. Do not feel left behind and make smart data driven design decisions.